Monday, April 12, 2010

How do I recycle my broken metal patio table?

This may seem like a strange topic...

In our recent move to Minneapolis, several pieces of our furniture arrived broken or damaged. One item, our metal and glass patio table arrived damaged beyond repair. We are still using it, but it won't last long. As I was cleaning our patio over the weekend (since Spring has arrived in Minnesota...yippeee) I thought: "what in the world are we going to do with this table when it finally does collapse?" I remembered that I had recently received an e-mail from a fellow member of the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO) in which she shared her favorite resource for finding local solutions to your recycling and donating problems.

It is:

Today, I checked it out. It is super easy to use - you just type in the item that you would like to recycle or donate and your location. It then gives you a listing of options in your area. The site also provides address, phone number, hours of operation, a list of accepted items, a link to their website (if they have one), etc.

I searched my area for everything from oil-based paints to computers (as these are items I've been frequently asked about). As I suspected, I found great options for all of these items. Best of all, when the time arrives, I will have several solutions for recycling my patio table.

Happy Recycling!

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